[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] Dock8 and IFN treatment

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Thu Oct 1 03:25:44 EDT 2015

Dear all,
Does somebody have experience with IFN treatment in Dock8 deficiency?
I follow a 47 yr-old patient with Dock8 deficiency.
I know, he is probably one of the eldest Dock8 patients alive, possibly as he has some very little residual Dock8 protein expression due to his specific splice site mutation in Dock8.
However, he has severe skin eczema and completely  lost vision on his left eye and has only some residual visibility on his right eye following herpes keratitis and CMV retinitis.
But are barely controlled under aciclovir plus valganciclovir treatment, giving him elevated liver values.
So with his eye-sight, we are with the back to the wall
My question is now:
Does somebody have experience with IFN treatment in Dock8 deficiency?
I know it has been successfully tried for skin lesions, but has anybody ever used it for viral infections of the eye?
Would you expect a worsening of the inflammation and thereby loss of vision?
He also has a cornea transplant on his right eye...
Any other idea?
Best,  Bodo

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. B. Grimbacher

CCI-Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency
Tel.: 0761 270-77731  Fax: -77744
Engesserstraße 4, 79108 Freiburg
bodo.grimbacher at uniklinik-freiburg.de


Consultant Immunologist
Institute of Immunity & Transplantation
Dept of Immunology
Royal Free Hospital
Pond Street
London NW3 2QG
b.grimbacher at ucl.ac.uk

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