[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] Norovirus in PIDs

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Wed Apr 20 09:12:53 EDT 2016

Dear Avni, we'd like to collaborate in this survey. However, it is necessary to have the original protocol to be sent to our local Ethics Committee. Would that be possible? 



Pere Soler Palacín, MD, PhD, MSc. 
Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunodeficiencies Unit. Hospital Universitari Vall d'He bron. 
Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) 
Assistant Professor. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) 
Pg. de la Vall d'Hebron, 119-129 
08035 Barcelona. Spain. 
Tel. 0034934893140 / Fax 0034934893039 

psoler at vhebron.net / 34660psp at comb.cat 
Web: www.upiip.com 
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0346-5570 
Scopus Author ID: http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=55923378300 
ResearchGate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pere_Soler-Palacin 
Linked In : http://es.linkedin.com/pub/pere-soler-palac%C3%ADn/73/918/b16 

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----- Missatge original -----

De: "CIS-PIDD" <cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org> 
Per: "CIS-PIDD" <cis-pidd at lyris.dundee.net> 
CC: "Seppänen Mikko" <Mikko.Seppanen at hus.fi> 
Enviats: Divendres, 15 de Abril 2016 21:32:58 
Assumpte: [cis-pidd] Norovirus in PIDs 

Dear All, 

Just following up on Mikko’s talk and discussion this AM and the possibility of studying Norovirus infection in PID patients. 

We are trying to collect retrospective information on PID patients with Norovirus infection to publish a case series. 

If you do have patients that you would like to share their clinical course, please consider participating in the project. 

Please find attached de-identified abstraction form in JMP and excel formats. 

Please fill in as much info as possible for your patients. 

I am also working on a prospective study. 

Thank you, 


Avni Y Joshi, M.D. MSc | Consultant | Division of Pediatric Allergy/Immunology|Mayo Clinic Children’s Center l Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine | Mayo Clinic College of Medicine | 507-293-5387 | Secretary: 507-538-0127 | Fax: 507-284-0727 | joshi.avni at mayo.edu | Mayo Clinic | 200 First Street SW | Rochester, MN 55905 | mayoclinic.org 


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