[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] Fwd: PBT_IGIV (Protocol 2004C009G) - Cohort 1 (Adult) Study Closed to Screening Requests

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Thu Jul 21 07:44:36 EDT 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Amber Schroeder <aschroeder at atlanticresearchgroup.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 4:19 PM
Subject: PBT_IGIV (Protocol 2004C009G) - Cohort 1 (Adult) Study Closed to
Screening Requests
To: Hassan Taki <hassantaki57 at gmail.com>, karen.fwmi at gmail.com, "Gupta,
Sudhir" <sgupta at uci.edu>, "Sultani, Deeba" <dsultani at uci.edu>, "Clawges,
Maritza" <mclawges at uci.edu>, don mcneil <mcneil.2 at osu.edu>, Dustin Caldwell
<dustin at optimed.us.com>, Ann Urbank <ann at optimed.us.com>, Kelly Farnan <
kellyf at pballergy.com>, "Church, Joseph" <jchurch at chla.usc.edu>, "Nguyen,
Trang" <tranguyen at chla.usc.edu>, isaac melamed <melamedi at immunoe.com>,
gelfande at njc.org, "Hancock, Cathy" <HancockC at njhealth.org>, "tcraig at psu.edu"
<tcraig at psu.edu>, "Mende, Cathy" <cmende at hmc.psu.edu>, Jia Li <
jia_li at rush.edu>, SAMANTHA N ZITZER <Samantha_N_Zitzer at rush.edu>, "Elkayam,
David, M.D." <ddelkayam at hinet.org>, "Elkayam, Jill S." <jselkayam at hinet.org>,
"Martin, Rebecca" <rlmartin at allergypartners.com>, Richard Wasserman <
drrichwasserman at gmail.com>, "Wright, Carlene" <pcwright at allergypartners.com>,
jmoy at rush.edu, charles at optimed.us.com, "Young, Alice" <
adyoung at allergypartners.com>, Maninderpal Singh Sethi <
msethi at immunoeresearch.com>, Mark Stein <mstein at pballergy.com>, Mayan
Silkoff <msilkoff at immunoe.com>, Huette Thompson <
hthompson at immunoeresearch.com>, Hilary Wilson <hilary at optimed.us.com>,
Ahmed El-Isa <ahmedelisa at aol.com>, "Freeland, Jennifer" <
jfreeland at chla.usc.edu>
Cc: "PBT-01-IVIG_archive at trialvista.com" <PBT-01-IVIG_archive at trialvista.com>,
Jessica Coleman <jcoleman at atlanticresearchgroup.com>, Aaron Kenner <
akenner at atlanticresearchgroup.com>, Amanda Lavan <
alavan at atlanticresearchgroup.com>, Julie Tucker <
jtucker at atlanticresearchgroup.com>, Claude Toney <
ctoney at atlanticresearchgroup.com>, "Trybul, Diane" <d.trybul at prometic.com>,
"Matheson, Amy" <a.matheson at prometic.com>, "Parker, Joseph" <
j.parker at prometic.com>, "Rubinacci, Maria" <m.rubinacci at prometic.com>

Dear Investigators and Study Staff,

We are pleased to announce that as a direct result of your hard work and
dedication to this study the adult cohort is now closed to new screening
requests. Based on the screening request forms we have approved we expect
to be able to meet our enrollment goal of 50 adult subjects.

Please note that we still have openings for pediatric subjects so continue
to send those in for approval.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.


Amber Schroeder, CCRA
Associate Project Manager
*Atlantic Research Group, Inc.*
2421 Ivy Road, Suite 200
Charlottesville, VA 22903
​: (434) 483-5261
​: (602) 743-0006​
aschroeder at atlanticresearchgroup.com

*Committed to integrity, professionalism, and innovation in clinical

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Richard L. Wasserman, MD, PhD
Allergy Partners of North Texas
7777 Forest Lane, Suite B-332
Dallas, Texas 75230
Office (972) 566-7788
Fax (972) 566-8837
Cell (214) 697-7211

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