[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] 79yo with lymphopenia-associated mucositis

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Wed Aug 3 10:28:24 EDT 2016


I was asked by an 'adult' ID physician about a 79yo man.  The patient is generally healthy.  However, once a year over the past 3 years he developed his 'annual' URI that was associated with HSV-negative oral mucositis.  During his latest episode his absolute lymphocyte count was 613/mcL and this resulted in T-lymphopenia.  B-cells and NK cell numbers were maintained.

Two months prior to this episode his lymphocyte count was 2219 on routine CBC.  Several weeks following resolution of the mucositis both lymphocyte count and subset analysis were normal.

Has anyone seen this process?  Any insights would be much appreciated.

Joe Church, MD
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

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