[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] 10yo with Campylobacter pericarditis and chronic oligosymptomatic interstitial lung disease

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Wed Aug 17 10:07:21 EDT 2016

Dear colleagues,
this 10yo boy suffered from shingles at 3 years of age after a normal course of chickenpox, had a mycoplasma pneumonia at 8yrs of age that produced a similar Xray like now with structural thickening (interstitial picture) that resolved clinically, but was never confirmed to be normal in the meantime. He is a competition soccer player, and did not have any breathing problems, but returned now with campylobacter-positive pericardial effusion and bacteriemia and fever. Responded well to antibiotics and steroids but relapsed one week after end of treatment. IgE moderatly increased.

Does this sound typical of any PID? Your help is highly appreciated. 

Lab: IgG incl subclasses and specific Ab's normal, IgA normal, IgM mildly increased, IgE 400, Eos mildly increased (500-1000/ul), B cells incl subsets normal, T cells including naive, gdT, DNT and proliferation tests were normal, granulocyte function tests normal. 
Parasitology pending; NK function (CD107a degranulation) pending. No exposition to tropical areas/infections known. Other bacteriological and virological tests negative. Autoantibodies incl ANCA subsets, basal membrane Ab's and ENA negative. 

Thanks for your helpful ideas or advice,
Markus Seidel

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