[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] Vaccine associated?

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Tue Oct 25 16:02:29 EDT 2016

Dear Colleagues,

I recently saw a 6 month old female, born via C-section due to prolonged labor.  In hospital for 5 days (due to mom recovery).  Received Hepatitis B vaccine in hospital.  She did have "baby acne" but no other rash or eczema recalled.  Received normal 2 month vaccines with no concerns.  Child was doing well and received 4 month vaccines.  The next day, around 11-12 child was "acting different", mom also noted some frontal head / fontanelle swelling.  Was spitting up more than usual (has a history of reflux) and had a mild fever < 100. Did go to ER (nl CT, nl U/A, LP performed) and fontanelle reduced.  Only in hospital for one night, did go on antibiotics.  No rash, fever or other symptoms noted.  All other work up was negative.  Mom noted persistent full fontanelle for about 10 days that resolved.  Child is now fine and otherwise healthy in all respects.  Her pediatrician did extensive research (also did contact CDC no other noted problems with other children and vaccines).  R
 ecommendation at that time was for no DTaP or only DT at 6 month vaccine schedule.  

Has anyone had a child have this happen after vaccination?

The recommendation was to give further vaccines separately going forward.  Any concern specifically with one of the vaccines, particularly acellular pertussis?

Thank you for any suggestions you may have,



John B. Meiser, M.D.
Board Certified Allergy and Immunology 
Allergy and Asthma Center of Texas
6946 Lebanon Rd.
Frisco, TX 75034
office:  972-377-9987
fax:  972-377-9906

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