[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] XLA, Bronchiectasis, Chronic sinsusitis

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Thu Apr 13 12:18:49 EDT 2017

Thanks for quick reply Dr.Wasserman.
To answer your queries:
1. He did the CPT vest daily for months with pulmozyme (as per pulm) with no significant improvement which made me think this was more sinus related. We have not tried the pulmonary lavage yet.
2. He has had only one CT-sinus prior to the surgery which showed significant mucoperiosteal thickening in both maxillary sinuses with obstruction of OM complex. He has not had a repeat CT but rhinoscopy from last month showed yellowish drainage from his middle meatus but culture did not grow anything.
3. He does saline irrigation daily and is currently on irrigation with Tobramycin (as per ENT)

Thanks again!
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