[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] tricho-hepato-enteric syndrome with SKIV2L

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Thu Jun 8 06:31:29 EDT 2017

Dear All

We have recently diagnosed a 6 month old baby with tricho-hepato-enteric syndrome with SKIV2L mutation. I am interested to know of any experience with these patients as the published literature on the immunological phenotype is small.

Our patient was born at term weighing 1.5kg and had been seen by the local geneticists due to IUGR. He came to our attention at 4 months of age when he presented with PJP pneumonia, requiring high frequency oscillatory ventilation. He was also found to be CMV viraemic and had rhinovirus on naso-pharyngeal aspirate at the time.

He had hepatomegaly, ascites and synthetic liver dysfunction at presentation but did not have a history of diarrhoea. His liver biopsy demonstrated fibrosis. He was treated for the PJP and also the CMV which has since resolved. His CMV PCRS remain negative.

He came to us for investigation of primary immunodeficiency in the context of PJP and CMV. He has a mild lymphopaenia, with slightly low CD4 numbers (1200, 39%) but normal naive T cell numbers and slightly low B cell numbers (400, 12.6%) which have been fairly consistent over the last couple of months.  Lymphocyte proliferation to PHA and anti-CD3 are normal. He did receive a dose of IVIG early on in his course and his immunoglobulins have trended down since. He initially had high IgM, peaking at 4.5g/L, now down to 0.88g/L. IgA has gone from 0.75g/L to 0.18g/L. IgG has gone from 8.5 to 3.5g/L over the last month with albumin in high 20s. He has not been fully vaccinated due to being unwell so we haven't yet evaluated his vaccine responses.

Published cases of THE have hypogammaglobulinaemia but I have not seen PJP described and was wondering whether anyone else has seen this? Also, any comments on the immunological progress of these children would be useful. We are happy we have excluded alternative immunological diagnoses with functional and genetic testing. His diagnosis was made on whole exome sequencing.

He has since gone on to develop significant diarrhoea with essentially no weight gain (current weight 3.7kg) and is being managed on TPN. We are monitoring immunoglobulins and will check vaccine responses. He remains on trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole prophylaxis.

I would be interested to hear anyone else's experience and thoughts on the significance of the PJP in this condition.

Many thanks


Dr Theresa Cole

Paediatric Immunologist Allergist

Department of Allergy & Immunology

The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne

50 Flemington Road Parkville 3052 Victoria

T: 03 9345 5701 F:03 9345 4848


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