[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] Dupilumab in DOCK8

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Thu Jun 15 14:12:29 EDT 2017

O great and wise listserv:

Does anyone have any experience yet using dupilumab in DOCK8 deficient patients? I suspect it would help the atopic dermatitis (and perhaps other manifestations of allergic inflammation) that are quite clinically problematic in my patient; but am mainly wondering about any actual or theoretical off-target effects that should be considered in this population.

Many thanks


Brian P. Vickery, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
UNC-Chapel Hill
Campus Box #7231 | Chapel Hill, NC 27599
919.962.5136 (ph) | 919.962.4421 (f)

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