[sbe-eas] Question for the group about a station carrying a RMT for an in-DMA area but for an adjacent state

Sean Donelan sean at donelan.com
Thu Nov 9 11:59:49 EST 2023

There is no requirement to re-transmit uncoordinated tests from state 
IPAWS.  Only the SECC coordinated RMT.

For example, the Washington DC National Capital Region crosses over DC, 
Maryland and Virginia.  WTOP transmits the official RMT for the NCR 
operational area.  Maryland and Virginia also transmit IPAWS RMTs for 
their respective states.

Most broadcasters and cable systems in the NCR (DC, Maryland and Virgina) 
only re-transmit the RMT from WTOP.  A few also retransmit other tests, 
but aren't required.  Again, the FCC rarely checks beyond you transmitted 
something every month, unless they get a complaint.  There were a few 
stations monitoring the "wrong" LP-1/LP-2, and retransmitted the wrong 
RMTs.  NAL because of the wrong monitoring, not the RMT.

Its common in "small states" for EAS operational areas to cross state 
borders.  And its also common for states to be "not in my neighborhood" 
as far as coordinating with adjacent SECCs and states.

On Thu, 9 Nov 2023, FRANK BELL wrote:
> While the RMT is for the base state, there does not appear any justification
> for transmitting one for an adjacent state. Reception of RMTs from their own
> state broadcasters is assumed. At such time as alerts can be delivered
> selectively, using software in suitable receivers e.g. nextgenTV or HDRadio
> which has navigation, then the State Plan can add jurisdictions or polygons
> in adjacent States with agreement between the SECCs. However this is not
> currently available technology and the scope of responsibilities of SECCc
> and an appropriate budget is not the present situation. This then is a
> question for such a changed situation in the future. I hope this opinion is
> no too complex for you.

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