[SBE] Video DA Help

McGlothen, Darryl darryl.mcg at klewtv.com
Thu Nov 29 17:34:18 EST 2007

Another 'gotcha' is whether your devices will be connected to an on-air
switcher or video editor. The timing errors introduced from one device
to the next (depending on cable length) could result in glitchy switches
and phase differences. Try to run all your switcher inputs through TBC's
or sync them from common DA's.

-----Original Message-----
From: sbe-bounces at sbe.org [mailto:sbe-bounces at sbe.org] On Behalf Of Brew
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 8:03 AM
To: sbe member discussion mail list
Subject: Re: [SBE] Video DA Help

> Critically timed analog devices I would avoid looping at all. If you

> need to loop, loop just equipment within one rack.

I've been burned more than once by video looping through both air
equipment and monitor equipment on the same loop. You take a
waveform monitor out of the chain, thinking it's only a monitor, only to
find that you've interrupted reference to a frame sync.


Bruce Schiller at CBS-TV NY Master Control Maintenance and WA2ZST
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