[SBE] ACR Cassette?

Funk, Andrew R Andrew.R.Funk at abc.com
Sat Feb 16 13:46:49 EST 2008

Back in the day I operated both TCRs and ACRs. I have an old TCR cart in my collection, but I don't have an ACR cassette. By any chance does someone on the list have an extra ACR cassette they would be willing to part with?



Andy Funk
[sent from my mobile phone]

-----Original Message-----
From: "A9xw at cs.com" <A9xw at cs.com>
To: "sbe at sbe.org" <sbe at sbe.org>
Sent: 2/16/2008 12:11 PM
Subject: [SBE] Can you think of a broadcast example? Another conversationtopic.

I train dogs at our kennel when not training employees they need to do more
than push buttons.

Animal control. Teaching sit-stay.
1. Dog sits. you toss the toy, (fetch) let the dog run after it and bring it
2. Dog sits. You toss the toy, but make the dog wait a while then "fetch".
3. Dog sits. You heel the dog to the toy and let them take it.
4. Dog sits. You tell it stay, walk over, get the toy and bring it back.

Which style manager are you and why?

Henry Ruhwiedel
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