[SBE] Discussion topics

Mike Langner mlangner at swcp.com
Fri Mar 14 12:15:06 EDT 2008

Hello -- I'm Mike Langner, CPBE, now retired.

Please allow me the privilege one brief observation about this, the most
active thread I've seen since this reflector was set up.

Everyone's comment so far, no matter how conflictory with others, has great
merit. Here's why!!

What SBE should be to its members is what's best for its members.

But we on this reflector vary from old retired guys like me to the 19 year
old with a First Phone I once was taking over as Chief Engineer of a little
250 watt AM class IV (now Class D) station knowing only what I'd learned
from my ham radio hobby and from several texts and license manuals. I was
scared to death!

What interests those of us who are mature in our careers is often quite
different from what interests those of us trying desperately to survive
their first experience (I sure remember mine) at a transmitter site in the
middle of the night saying to ourselves: (1) It's broken, (2) I don't know
how to fix it, and I'd better figure it out, and (3) I can't leave here
'till I do!

So, a broad reach of topics and knowledge levels seems to be exactly what
Chriss indicates he started this reflector to do -- to "raise the bar with
this list."

I think what "raise the bar with this list" means to different SBE members
and friends of the SBE varies widely, however.

Please think for a minute about the conventions you go to. Without the
informative sessions, the conventions would have no "meat on their bones."
Without the hospitality suites, visits in the hallways, and dinners with
folks who share your same interest, would the convention be as meaningful,
as valuable, as useful, as enjoyable -- would it go as far to "raise the
bar" on your skills and abilities in Broadcast Engineering. Indeed, all
these functions work together to "raise the bar" for all of us. Ditto for
the publications we read. When I read Barry Mishkind's most excellent
publication, I learn something, I get a chuckle, I have the occasional
"Well, what'd'ya know!," and I skip some articles because they don't pertain
to me. This reflector's content is, and ought to be, similarly categorized.

I would hope this extremely valuable reflector would be similar -- a big
tent for everyone with an interest in furthering "the art" of Broadcast
Engineering and their own skills and abilities, while very much enjoying
doing so!

And so, my friends, it appears we are not in so much disagreement as it
might appear!

Chriss, everyone, keep up the great work -- and keep the spark of interest
as well as the flame of knowledge and wisdom coming!

Mike Langner, CPBE
Albuquerque, NM

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