[SBE] Discussion topics

Larry Will lhwill at verizon.net
Fri Mar 14 13:59:29 EDT 2008


Excellent comments


Larry W3LW

Ret DE, NJ Public TV and others.

At 12:15 PM 3/14/2008, you wrote:

>Hello -- I'm Mike Langner, CPBE, now retired.


>Please allow me the privilege one brief observation about this, the most

>active thread I've seen since this reflector was set up.


>Everyone's comment so far, no matter how conflictory with others, has great

>merit. Here's why!!



>What SBE should be to its members is what's best for its members.


>But we on this reflector vary from old retired guys like me to the 19 year

>old with a First Phone I once was taking over as Chief Engineer of a little

>250 watt AM class IV (now Class D) station knowing only what I'd learned

>from my ham radio hobby and from several texts and license manuals. I was

>scared to death!


>What interests those of us who are mature in our careers is often quite

>different from what interests those of us trying desperately to survive

>their first experience (I sure remember mine) at a transmitter site in the

>middle of the night saying to ourselves: (1) It's broken, (2) I don't know

>how to fix it, and I'd better figure it out, and (3) I can't leave here

>'till I do!


>So, a broad reach of topics and knowledge levels seems to be exactly what

>Chriss indicates he started this reflector to do -- to "raise the bar with

>this list."


>I think what "raise the bar with this list" means to different SBE members

>and friends of the SBE varies widely, however.


>Please think for a minute about the conventions you go to. Without the

>informative sessions, the conventions would have no "meat on their bones."

>Without the hospitality suites, visits in the hallways, and dinners with

>folks who share your same interest, would the convention be as meaningful,

>as valuable, as useful, as enjoyable -- would it go as far to "raise the

>bar" on your skills and abilities in Broadcast Engineering. Indeed, all

>these functions work together to "raise the bar" for all of us. Ditto for

>the publications we read. When I read Barry Mishkind's most excellent

>publication, I learn something, I get a chuckle, I have the occasional

>"Well, what'd'ya know!," and I skip some articles because they don't pertain

>to me. This reflector's content is, and ought to be, similarly categorized.


>I would hope this extremely valuable reflector would be similar -- a big

>tent for everyone with an interest in furthering "the art" of Broadcast

>Engineering and their own skills and abilities, while very much enjoying

>doing so!


>And so, my friends, it appears we are not in so much disagreement as it

>might appear!


>Chriss, everyone, keep up the great work -- and keep the spark of interest

>as well as the flame of knowledge and wisdom coming!


>Mike Langner, CPBE

>Albuquerque, NM






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