[SBE] Renewal of membership on line

chscherer at everestkc.net chscherer at everestkc.net
Sat Mar 15 22:05:43 EDT 2008

I don't know the specific answer to this question, and I won't be able to get it until Monday at the earliest. I believe it has to do with accessing current membership records in the online form. While I'm sure some people have plenty of ideas on how this could be done, suffice it to say that this option is not available right now.

Accepting renewals online has been part of the plan since the SBE moved to its current Web services provider. As you probably know, the SBE can process and accept payment for new memberships online.

Once I have an answer I'll share it. This may also help define when it might be an available option as well.


----- Original Message -----
From: Larry Bloomfield <Larry at Tech-Notes.TV>

> Why can't a member renew his SBE membership with a credit card

> online?

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