[SBE] defining broadcast engineer

chscherer at everestkc.net chscherer at everestkc.net
Sun Mar 16 22:59:40 EDT 2008

But broadcast facilities are now media facilities. Is there a website? Is there any form of distribution other than the transmitter?

You have likely heard the idea that if railroads considered themselves to be in the transportation business and not just in railroading that we might be able to fly B&O airlines today.

Sure, radio and TV broadcasting (via the stick) is still the main business, but consumers are moving to other forms of media. Broadcasters and the people who work in those facilities must embrace these other forms of media or slowly be eliminated. The revenues in these other forms of media are not as high or as certain yet, but give it time.

From: Sam Garfield <Sgarfield at dilicast.com>

> Chriss,

> The reference to "media engineer" sounds like work is in a

> library, not a broadcast Facility.

> chscherer at everestkc.net wrote:

> > We use the term "broadcast engineer" to cover a wide range of

> duties and jobs. I don't think you can define a broadcast engineer

> (or a media engineer) in simple, absolute terms. Each situation is

> different.

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