[SBE] Industry retirement situation

Chris Hoopes hoopeschris at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 17 13:50:43 EDT 2008

In my experience, managers are focused on the bottom line. A great deal of their personnel revenue comes from a "profit bonus" known by other names, it the gross minus the net, of which they receive a percentage. So any projects, or even a dollar an hour raise by a staff member subtracts from their bonus.
There's also a problem with managers that don't understand what we do. How do they micro-manage? This is said with both humor and seriousness. Some managers are very obstinate about having control.
I agree we need more communication, and understanding of what we do with management. It all comes down to trust. When that starts to erode, what is next?

Dave Dabs <dd92251 at AOL.com> wrote:

It is one thing to be involved in the budgeting process but when all is said
and done, it's up to management, sometimes at the Corporate level, to
approve that budget. Personally, I didn't enter into Engineering to become a
financial diplomat...learning all the personal/people skills necessary to
persuade management to spend money on the technical necessities.

Honestly, if I possessed all those "people" and managerial skills that
others on this reflector suggest, and I enjoyed exercising them, I would be
financially better off in Sales or Operations.

I think we're ignoring the 5 ton white elephant in the room, and that is the
station manager. Until station managers learn to extend themselves and learn
that communications with the engineer requires effort on their part as well,
we will continue to have disgruntled engineers.

Dr. Dave

Subject: Re: [SBE] Industry retirement situation

Well said, Henry, I know of several situations where management
does not let the Engineer be involved in finances, perhaps because
the Engineer has not demonstrated his competency in that area.
Perhaps because of the feeling that this is not - our - area. In this
day and age, we need to acquire the skills that will permit us to
advance and these are often skill-sets that are non-traditional.

Clay Freinwald

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