[SBE] Can Your Manager Tell You What You Do For A living?

k7cr k7cr at blarg.net
Sat Mar 22 15:55:17 EDT 2008

I recall a very similar ad for a job in a town in Eastern Washington State
a few years ago. I have no idea of whether or not they filled it...however
one fact keeps coming back to haunt -

>> The laws of supply and demand will rule ! <<

As long as someone is willing to fill these jobs, there will continue to be
these jobs to fill. When that changes, things will improve. Remember
we don't have organized labor or unions working on our behalf, it's
really supply vs. demand. Likely you have done the same thing...ie,
looked around for the best price for this or that. Can you blame
station owners when they do the same thing? Why does Wal-Mart
succeed at the expense of others? Why do items make in China put
American firms at a disadvantage.

Clay Freinwald

>I think this is a joke, I believe I know the person posting this but then

> again he may be serious! By the way it is in lovely Dalhart, TX. Richard

> Hardy



> I apologize in advance for the length of this posting, but I

> believe that this is quite pertinent to the thread. It was posted

> on All Access so it seems to be a legitimate job opening.


> Seeking Chief Engineer


> Chief Engineer

> JOB # 25783-02366501


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