[SBE] Freeland Products -- a user's experience

Gary Blau gblau at w3am.com
Mon Jun 23 22:27:20 EDT 2008

FWIW, we used to use Freeland to rebuild the Burle Cermolox tubes in the
Ch.9 KCAL Larcan tx, (I think they were 9007's)?
Freeland was the only outfit that would attempt it because of the very
close element spacing and minimal available ceramic. There was only
enough room for one cut, one rebuild per tube.

They always worked and their service was great.

Used to get 4CX15000's from them back in the early 80's too, but that's
ancient history.

Until I read this thread I hadn't given Freeland much thought in a long
time, having used Econco for many years out of habit. But I'm going to
add them back into the mix.


Mike Langner wrote:

> I've used Freeland for many years.


> I've never gotten a bad tube from them...

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