[SBE] Wilmington test

Henry M. Seiden info at techworkspro.com
Thu Sep 11 10:47:34 EDT 2008

Hi All,

I don't know if you guys can see this web link or if you know Dan
Ulmer a chief engineer in Wilmington who was interviewed by TV
Newsday. The link is from TVN and you need to be subscribed to read
it. Makes good reading and hopefully the lessons he learned will be
reflected elsewhere. READ THE ARTICLE.


My opinion from his article (in no particular order):
Switch early (soft switch).
Educate your market as locally, early and often, and increasingly
going forward. Look for web based coaching techniques.
Follow up the calls with reliable info.
Improve the technology or encourage the proper technology where you can.

That's the major stuff. Your take-away?

Henry M. Seiden

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