[SBE] Phasor current draw

Edwin Bukont ebukont at msn.com
Mon Jul 13 16:06:18 EDT 2009

I am trying to create a DA/NDA remote control for a 3-tower phasor system. The system has remote for choosing transmitters and Day or Nite. It does not have remote for choosing DA/NDA.

Currently, someone has brought out the Tx and D/N to 240VAC relays with 30A contacts. Is this really necessary?

The mode change itself appears to throw maybe 5 contactors including the towers. I realize that in the DA mode it has to support the current involved with switching of Day and Night.

I want to do my additional control with a 24VDC coil and contacts rated at 15A/250VAC.

Am I missing something here. Do I really need those big power relays or will something smaller suffice. I do not know what the current draw is,,and it would be difficult to amp clamp.

Anybody have any ideas what a 30-40 year old three tower, 3 modes Phasor array might draw in Amps at 250VAC during switching?


Edwin Bukont CSRE, DRB, CBNT
V- 240.417.2475; F- 240.368.1265

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