[SBE] Burk ARC-16 Question

Thomas Shanks tshanks at gatech.edu
Mon Jul 13 18:11:17 EDT 2009

It sounds like your logic board is the old one with the oddly independent grounds for data (ie, the junction/screw-down panel grounds) and power. Try linking all of the grounds yourself on all parts of the unit, or alternatively wasting a few hundred on a Burk official overhaul/update of your ARC-16.

If that doesn't work, then try getting an APC (the UPS people) or Burk remote-control unplugger ("power controller"). Our RDS Generator (BE RDi-20) goes nuts and makes noise on the air if there is a lightning strike within a few miles. We've tied the ground every input to no avail. I can reboot ours over the network now so I don't have to go there. (Don't buy one!)

Thomas Shanks CBRE
Chief Engineer, WREK Atlanta, Georgia Tech Student Radio
CS Graduate Student, BSEE and BSCS GA Tech

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