[SBE] In Need of Mentoring

Adrienne Abbott weathertop at charter.net
Sun Oct 11 19:12:30 EDT 2009

We all had choices when we entered this field. We chose this one and stayed
with it even though we knew we'd never be rich. We knew that because college
professors and co-workers told us that and eventually we saw it for
ourselves. And we all know people who left the profession because the work
was hard, the hours long, the pay low and the frustrations many and those
people were never the same.

In spite of everything, we stuck with it because somewhere along the way we
realized that if money was important to us, we'd have put our time and
efforts into being stock brokers, international bankers, real estate
developers, lawyers, or whatever. But once you've been bitten by this bug
called "broadcasting", you can't leave and be truly happy or satisfied in
any other profession. You'll always have that itch you can't scratch.

Yes, things are changing. They always have. We've all heard that "radio is
dead" more than once. It's certainly not the same as it was when we began
and we can all argue later whether or not the change is for the good. But I
look around at our SBE meetings and see a lot of gray hair and not many
youngsters and that concerns me. We need new people coming up behind us,
people who are willing to take over when we just can't make one more trip up
the mountain in the middle of a snowstorm or answer that transmitter alarm
at 3:30 AM. We need new people who will not only grow up understanding the
new technology but who will carry our experiences and values into whatever
radio becomes in the future.


-----Original Message-----
From: sbe-bounces at sbe.org [mailto:sbe-bounces at sbe.org] On Behalf Of k7cr
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 2:48 PM
To: sbe member discussion mail list
Subject: [SBE] In Need of Mentoring

"Jeff Carter" wrote -

Please don't take this wrong, anybody. Listen to the full message and
think before you react out of a knee-jerk response.

Should we, considering the market and what we've seen, be advising
anybody to enter this career field?

I am beginning to wonder if I can do so in good conscience. If we're
going to advise and mentor, it strikes me that there's an obligation
to give good advice when we give it.

Good points Jeff -

What we often ignore is the 'satisfaction factor'...Let me explain.
Musicians and Artists are often paid less than some other jobs,
work odd hours etc etc. However they are doing what they love
or feel 'called' to do. In my case, my love of Radio evolved to
the point where I have been able to do what I love for nearly 50
years and I would not trade it for anything....even more money

I pitty the fellow that watches the clock and marks his calendar
as he performs a task that has nothing to do with his first love.
Money cannot buy happiness and satisfaction. (sure it can help)

Granted there are bad jobs out there, but there are also good

Clay Freinwald, K7CR
The SBE Roundtable, SBE at sbe.org
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