[SBE] The future of Broadcasting.. FCC vs FTC

Edwin Bukont ebukont at msn.com
Sun Mar 14 08:37:29 EDT 2010

It occurs to me that, as usual with constitutional vs. interpreted legislation, one of the core problems for broadcasters is the FTC intent to disrupt monopoly, by keeping content generation separate from distribution, is in direct conflict with the FCC's goal of having broadcaster's create content to justify their access to airwaves.

Easy way to solve this and the performance rights issues.

Broadcaster's need to be allowed to own media content,,movies, records, whatever and be allowed to handle their publicity, air play etc. We can leave content sales to an indpendent on line service, like Amazon.

That should leave enough money to fund the obscure 'public service' aspect of broadcast.

Yeah, never happen, but it illustrates how absurd the FCC's intent is juxtaposed to the FTC intent.

The FTC has some power under the constitution, but it has overstepped its bounds. The FCC, which ought to be enforcing the constitution as well seems largely intent on creating policies better suited for the FTCs role. Both seem to take their authority from the constitutional allowance to regulate trade between states, which may be why their goals seem in conflict.

Edwin Bukont CSRE, DRB, CBNT
V- 240.417.2475; F- 240.368.1265

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