Thompson,Blake E blake at uakron.edu
Wed Aug 11 12:18:59 EDT 2010

This came into my email, thought the lists might be able to help.

Blake Thompson CBNT
WZIP-FM / Z-TV www.wzip.fm
SBE Chapter 70 Program Chair


Last Thursday , 8-5-2010 We had a Agilent model E4405B Spectrum Analyzer boosted (Stolen) from our transmitter Facility (Chalet Building) here on Delta College Campus Near Bay City Michigan .No forcible entry and no other items taken other then a box of coax adaptors for the analyzer. This happen during the day between 9 am and 6 pm . The serial number is MY41440418. Our thoughts are that someone knew the entry code and knew what the Agilent was .
If for some chance you hear of a spectrum analyzer for sale please inquire on it or just contact me and let me know so I can forward it on to the police . The replacement cost is 31,000 dollars . I have contacted Agilent and notified them of the theft and I have a E-bay search out also .....I will check Craig's list as time allows . If you have any other sources that deal's with used equipment for sale .I would appreciate if you would forward this information on to them or keep your eyes open for it .
I am hoping the insurance will cover this as I will sorely miss this wonderful Diagnostic tool . Below is a picture of the unit . Ours had a built in signal generator option and had a grey protection cover for the front .
[cid:68C9617873AB4238B5879C9DDE866BA1 at p6835]

[cid:F3E0027FE8E242028203F8DBCED3330E at p6835]


David Nuechterlein
Delta College / Delta Broadcasting , Engineering Dept A045
Frank N. Andersen Broadcast Building
1961 Delta Rd.
University Center Michigan 48710
989 686 9341 Office
989 326 0051 Mobile Office

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