[SBE] Ham in Broadcasting Net at 8 PM Eastern Sunday

Brew brew at theMode.com
Sun May 22 08:01:33 EDT 2011

This week, in honor of the hams traveling to (and from) the Dayton
Hamvention, the topic of discussion for the Sunday evening 'Hams in
Broadcasting' Net will be impromptu visiting of Broadcast Stations
while traveling.

Along these lines I'll be detailing some of the adventures the late
Mike Venditti and I had on our Great Radio Journey back in the Fall of
1973, when Mike and I took an old Renault and headed West from NJ,
with the express intent to drive West of the Mississippi and visit our
first 'K' station (that is, other than KYW in Phillie, which isn't
West of the Mississippi at all). We drove East to Des Moines, IA,
turned South down thru Muskogee, OK, and Little Rock AR, then East
across Tennessee and back up through Virginia, visiting stations all
along the way in a wild 4 day (nearly) non-stop drive.

Hopefully some other Broadcast Hams will relate some of their experiences, too.

That's the 'Hams in Broadcasting' Net on the IRLP 9165 / Echolink
*SBE* conference bridge at 8 PM Eastern Sunday evening. It's
available for connection by any Ham, either on IRLP node 9165
Reflector OR the Echolink *SBE* Conference 91650 OR the WA2CBS
repeater in NYC. The WA2CBS repeater was formerly NY2TV and is still
listed that way in repeater directories. It's located on the ten
story CBS-TV Broadcast Center in Manhattan.

Hams in Broadcasting is not YET available for non-Ham consumption via
streaming on the Internet, but will be someday. Tom K8TB is working
on it (maybe he picked up some ideas about this at Dayton).

brew Bruce Schiller CBS-TV Master Control Maintenance and WA2ZST

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