[SBE] Hams in Broadcasting Net tonight......

Brew brew at theMode.com
Sun Jul 17 12:56:03 EDT 2011

Tonight I'll be running the Hams in Broadcasting Net at 8 PM Eastern
(reachable via IRLP Reflector 9615 *OR* the Echolink *SBE* Conference
96150 *OR* the WA2CBS repeater in NYC.

I've been casting about the deep recess of my brain for an apropos
subject, but since it's summer time and pretty quiet I couldn't think
of anything. But then..... summer..... things are quiet.... and Hey,
that's our topic - Trouble that occurs while things are *supposed* to
be quiet and everybody's away on vacation and then....... trouble hits
and you're the only one around and in charge of the station and it's
off the air. OK, that's probably a given for most of you guys....
you're in charge of trouble anyway.

However, I'll tell about a couple of times early on in my career when
the bosses and CEs were away and left me in charge and trouble hit.
In one episode I nearly got thrown out of college for breaking into
the college station, WGLS-FM, (come to think of it, I mentioned that a
few weeks ago already).

But in the other episode I had to *swim* to the (former) WJJZ, Mount
Holly transmitter 4 tower DA to get it back on the air. Most
transmitters are remotely located on a mountaintop, how many are on an
isolated islands with no bridge?

Oh, I'm not sure if the Net met last week or not..... I was scheduled
to leave work at CBS-TV earlier than usual last week and completely
forgot about the Net until the last minute. I was on the train and by
the time I got on the Reflector it was 9:30 PM and Net time was over.

Sorry if I inconvenienced anybody. I'll be on the Net tonight at 8 PM Eastern.

C U then....

brew Bruce Schiller at CBS-TV NY Master Control Maintenance and WA2ZST

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