[SBE] About WBZ

Brew brew at theMode.com
Mon Aug 8 01:07:37 EDT 2011


> NBC NYC originally used a horizontal wire antenna, insulators were still on

> the [then] RCA building at 30 Rock when I workled there.

Interesting. I worked for NBC at 30 Rock from '82 to '88 and never
noticed. Was the dipole between the two towers of the building?

As far as I can tell WEAF (the Red Network station, which later became
WNBC) was on the air from Bellmore (New York), New York as noted in a
database dated June 30, 1928. Rockefeller Center wasn't built until a
few years later, in 1932-33..

As for the Blue Network NBC station, WJZ, which later became WABC, I
found this in Wikipedia:

"At the end of 1925, WJZ opened its new 50,000 watt transmitter from
Bound Brook, New Jersey. However, it overwhelmed everything else on
the air, and engineers visited homes in central New Jersey to deal
with the complaints. As a result, WJZ didn't operate regularly at
50,000 watts until 1935."

Maybe the horizontal dipole was for WJZ as backup. Or maybe even a
backup for which ever of the two stations needed it.


brew Bruce Schiller at CBS-TV NY and WA2ZST

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