[SBE] Dwindling numbers of engineers

Henry's AFLAC a9xw at cs.com
Tue Apr 3 12:38:40 EDT 2012

Well I look at my long contact list, from 48 years in broadcasting. About 70% are no longer in broadcasting, of that about half are deceased, but got out of broadcasting by choice or lack of jobs, or RIFed before they died. THose of us in our "golden years" seem to be not hireable, no one wants an expensive experienced old person, when they can hire/keep someone half our age for half our pay. Most everything is surface mount devices and software, making actual repair questionable or impossible without the software program, object codes, decompiler, so manufacturers supple board level replacements, internet remote diagnosis, near total lack of live person phone response [leave a message and we will get back to you during normal business hours] translation, we dont give as shit about customer service, you bought it, you buy a replacement.
I look at the job postings, do 800 differents jobs, work 24/7, collect less than your parents made, dont ever feel your boss gives a crap about you. Now who with an ounce of sanity wants to get into this profession with all those high pay cushy IT jobs sitting in a nice cool office with a cafeteria where all you have to do is write computer code?

I'm just saying ...

Ask me about AFLAC, It pays YOU!

-----Original Message-----
From: R. V. Zeigler <rzeigler at krvn.com>
To: sbe member discussion mail list <sbe at sbe.org>
Sent: Tue, Apr 3, 2012 10:46 am
Subject: [SBE] Dwindling numbers of engineers

I received the following from a local technical school yesterday. I am an inactive member of their advisory committee because broadcast did not hire enough (any) students to make broadcast a viable part of the curriculum. Now I see that they are hurting for any students in the technical field. This school split the IT portion of the technical curriculum into a separate track a couple of years ago and it seems they are not having problems filling those slots. Have we finally gotten to the point where repair is no longer needed, or wanted? Does industry understand that if they do not hire any new/young technical people that there will not be any to replace those they have? I would be glad to pass on the flyer to anyone that asks privately.
One thing the flyer they sent along said was that their recent graduates report receiving an average starting wage of $35K.

Dear Advisors:
Due to Low enrollment there was no intake for the Electronic Systems Technology program in Milford this spring quarter. Currently there are 10 people who have applied for the EST Program in Milford for fall. I would like to get 15-20 students to enroll in the fall quarter so I’m asking for your help. I am looking for opportunities for me to meet with potential students, or parents, to talk about the Electronic Systems Technology program. If you know of any please contact me.

Also, I have attached our current flyer that can be given, or forwarded, to anyone you think may be interested.
Thank you for your support
Mike Aalberg
Program Chair
Electronic System Technology
Southeast Community College

I do have Mike's approval to use this message.

. V. Zeigler, Dir. of Eng.
ebraska Rural Radio Assn.
ewsletter: http://tinyurl.com/RRNnews

. V. Zeigler, Dir. of Eng.
ebraska Rural Radio Assn.
08-324-2371 voice
08-324-5786 fax
08-325-1642 cell
ewsletter: http://tinyurl.com/RRNnews

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