[Voxnovus] We're in the finals! 60x60 online submission engine made it to the ideablob finals!

Vox Novus List voisey-i at voxnovus.com
Sat Mar 22 07:40:20 EDT 2008

We're in the finals!

Yes, we made it to the finals at ideablob.com! Now, I need you to come and
vote for the 60x60 online submission process for the finals. This is it! If
we win this round I can take the money, pay our web server, the programmers
who have been helping us already, and clear the way for enough Internet
bandwidth to make the online submission engine a reality.

This will be a great benefit to the 60x60 process. The online submission
engine will make it easier for composers to submit their works via the
Internet and greatly reduce the administrative time in both the submission
process and the selection process. More time for me gives me more time to
get more venues and promote more music.

Another important reason to vote is that I am going to use the win to help
raise more grant funds! Many funders like to see matching funds or funds
already raised. A successful competition by popular vote should put the
project in a very favorable light.

Plus let's not forget the press. More attention to the project is good for
us all. A win from ideablob.com will be good press for everyone.

So PLEASE VOTE! for 60x60

The 60x60 project is one of 8 finalists. We need the most votes to win. I
figure our 3 biggest competitors are Teen Reality Web Series, Off Campus
Housing, and BOLD. This is because they seem to have large communities
supporting them. I know for a fact that our community is larger than
theirs, if we vote and mobilize we can win this.

Please also leave comments. My assumption is that ideablob is going to
leave this web page up for a long time to help their own agenda. Positive
remarks about the project will help our future campaigns to raise money.

I want to thank you for getting the 60x60 project to the finals. This is
very exciting. I know it is a pain in the neck to register for a website to
vote, but every vote will count on this one and I expect the race to be
close. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell anyone you think who might
be interested in the cause. Because this is it. the crusade for new music,
60x60 is a community of new music composer and sound artists helping each
other around the world. You can see it every year with all the different
hosts, venues, and outside help we get every year. This win will score a
win for us all and help propel the project and all of us forward!

If you have questions feel free to contact me.

Thanks again!


Robert Voisey
RobVoisey at VoxNovus.com
Artistic Director of the 60x60 project
Vice-President of Programs, Living Music Foundation
Founder of Vox Novus

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