[Voxnovus] 60x60 (2007 International Mix) Video Collaboration with Zlatko Cosic - Kulturkiosken Gävle, Sweden March 24 7:30 PM

Vox Novus List voisey-i at voxnovus.com
Sat Mar 21 13:13:05 EDT 2009

60x60's 2007 video mix with Zlatko Cosic still runs strong!

60x60 (2007 International Mix) Video Collaboration with Zlatko Cosic
will be performed in Gävle, Sweden on Tuesday, March 24th 2009 at 7:30 PM

More can be found at:

Zlatko Cosic
Born in the former Yugoslavia, Zlatko's professional and art work as a
member of Belgrade's Academic Film Center where he created experimental
films. Zlatko's education and professional involvement with media production
inspired his creativity and enthusiasm resulting in numerous short movies,
multimedia performances, public projections, video installations and live
video performances. Zlatko performs at various locations by projecting and
live editing a variety of his multimedia projects including pieces of his
films and mixtures of new experimental videos. Zlatko currently lives in St.
Louis and works as an independent film, video, and multimedia artist.

Composers in the 60x60 (2007 International Mix) include:
Henri Algadafe, John Allemeier, Thomas Bailey, Joel-Aime Beauchamp, Benjamin
Boone, Monique Buzzarte, Adam Caird, Grégory Chatonsky, Jesse Clark, Cindy
Cox, Noah Creshevsky, David Cutler, Tilmann Dehnhard, Robert Dick, Andrew
Eckel, Iris Garrelfs, Thierry Gauthier, Marcel Gehrman, Thomas Gerwin, Tomer
Harari, Risto Holopainen, Alphons Izzo, Michiko Kawagoe, Joelle Khoury,
Panayiotis Kokoras, Gintas Kraptavicius, Sophie Lacaze, Micky Landau, Tuan
Hung Le, Graziano Lella, Meng-chia Lin, Drake Mabry, Chris Mann, Al
Margolis, John Maters, Christian McLeer, David McIntire, David Morneau, Jeff
Morris, Tim Mukherjee, Alex Nadjarov, Helen Nattrass, Serban Nichifor, Blas
Payri, John Pitts, Gene Pritsker, Tim Reed, Stephen B. Rothman, Anne van
Schothorst, Laurie Spiegel, Ken Steen, Olivier Tache, Eldad Tsabary,
Philippe Vernier, Andrea Vigani, Daniel Visconti, Jane Wang, Rodney Waschka
II, Simon Whetham, Sabrina Pena Young, and Cynthia Zaven

IDKA Kulturkiosken
Tisdag 24 mars kl.19.30
Fikaförsäljning/mingel fr. kl.19

:: Fri entré

60x60 (2007 / International Mix)
60 tonsättare från hela världen på 60 min, med videokonst.

Samarr. mellan Per Samuelsson (Föreningen idkas användare) & Robert Voisey
[NY, USA].

60x60 innehåller 60 verk från 60 olika kompositörer. Varje komposition är 60
sekunder i längd sekvenserade tillsammans för att skapa en en timmes
konsert. Det som förgyller konserten är alla kompositörer som medverkat i
projektet. 60x60 vittnar om ett liv i dagens samhälle, genom att presentera
den mångfald av stilar, estetik och teknik som används idag.

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