[game_edu] Here goes the first shoe . . .

Robert Farr goldensword at ntlworld.com
Wed Apr 15 19:13:32 EDT 2009

- MMO "addiction". :)

Hehe, yeah, someone dropped out during the first year to "play WoW", which
may or may not have been a waste of ability, there's always going to be a
number of people who are chaff and would never thrive in the games industry
I won't know myself until I've been through a crunch but it's a risk I'm
willing to take.

I suppose one of the ways I have in mind is just to provide information on
community & knowledge hubs that relate to various different aspects of games
development, like the SIGs in IGDA, various sites like Gamasutra, sloperama
(I'm sure you know all of these), its up to people then to take the
initiative and dig around to see what're in these hubs.

Many students probably aren't even aware of EA spouse and Quality of Life
issues within industry, etc etc

-----Original Message-----
From: game_edu-bounces at igda.org [mailto:game_edu-bounces at igda.org] On Behalf
Of Andrew Armstrong
Sent: 15 April 2009 11:41 PM
To: IGDA Game Education Listserv
Subject: Re: [game_edu] Here goes the first shoe . . .

Robert Farr wrote:

> I find myself wondering if more could be done to instil a 'go out and


> mindset in students, maybe often-times that is what's missing.

I think for a lot of students, binning World of Warcraft subscriptions
etc. might help ;) At least that's some of the horror stories I've heard
- MMO "addiction". :)

Going out and learning needs something interested to get into - external
projects on the web perhaps, modding maybe (Especially if you're doing
design), doing it with fellow students in a club...

Any course probably should encourage it, but it can't exactly structure
that kind of additional work and self-teaching...just wouldn't really
work to everyone's tastes, and some people just do much more work on
their class projects so they don't have time for other things.

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