[game_edu] Game Engines

Mark DeLoura mdeloura at satori.org
Mon Mar 9 16:22:08 EDT 2009

Ian Schreiber <ai864 at yahoo.com> said:

> The specific game engines being used in this survey are less of an issue for

> student projects, I think. Some of these engines cost more in licensing fees

> than the students are likely to have available, and some of them are

> "heavyweight" enough that learning their ins and outs are not as

> cost-effective when you're dealing with a ten-student ten-week project.

> And a lot of lighter engines and tools that are used in class projects

> (Alice3D, Game Maker, Unity) weren't even included on the survey.

Hi Ian,
Thanks for your comments on the engine survey I posted the results for on Gamasutra! There are a few more pieces of that to come.

Just fyi, regarding engines included, you're right that I didn't include Alice or Game Maker in the survey, however Unity was included. Unfortunately it didn't fare well, I think largely because a high proportion of survey responders were PS3/X360 developers. Unity has yet to become available for those platforms, so its results on the survey were poor - that was one of the reasons I chose to only post the top fives (or so) for each question, it didn't seem fair to have some of the engines show poorly when in fact it was just due to platform availability.

Thanks for reading!

Mark DeLoura
Videogame Technology Consultant
San Francisco, California USA

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