[game_edu] Education Track: The 2012 AltDevConf

Heather Decker-Davis heathermdecker at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 12:54:53 EDT 2011

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to share that we're taking submissions for the Education track of
the upcoming AltDevConf. Please feel free to pass this around to your
colleagues! We'd love to put together a fantastic education track and
welcome your proposals!

I apologize for the short notice. The submission deadline is very close, but
we're hoping to work out an extension, as the Education track actually came
into being a bit later in the

Thank you,

Heather M Decker-Davis


The 2012 AltDevConf

The AltDevConf is a new conference for all things game development.
Organised by some of the people behind the popular AltDevBlogADay
website, the conference will be held as a series of online seminars in
February 2012, covering all aspects of the game development process,
from initial designs right through to finalising and shipping
products. We have five tracks currently lined up :

* Art, Animation and Audio
* Design
* Production (including Business Development)
* Programming
* Education (new addition)

Important Dates

Proposal Submission - 23rd October
Notification - 13th November
Presentations Complete - 8th January
Conference - 12th February


Submissions can be emailed to luke at cis.strath.ac.uk

Submission must include :

* Speaker Contact Information
* Session Title
* Intended Track
* Format and length of presentation
* Expected Audience Level
* 500 word description of session
* Speaker biography, including game credits, previous speaking history
and Twitter username (if applicable)
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