[game_edu] AIIDE Doctoral Mentoring Program: Deadline extension to July 5th

Gillian Smith gillian at ccs.neu.edu
Mon Jun 17 11:00:08 EDT 2013

We have extended the deadline for applying to the Artificial Intelligence in Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE) doctoral mentoring program to July 5th. We especially encourage early-stage PhD students (pre- or recently-post thesis proposal) to apply, though all are welcome. AIIDE attracts both an academic and industry audience, and can be a great source of feedback for students doing research at the intersection of artificial intelligence and games, or another creative field.

Note that a short letter of recommendation from the dissertation advisor is required, so please plan ahead!

The CFP is posted below. Any questions about the program can be directed to me (gillian at ccs.neu.edu) or to Adam Smith (amsmith at cs.washington.edu).



Doctoral consortium website: http://www.aiide.org/doctoral

The AIIDE 2013 Doctoral Consortium (DC) provides an opportunity for a group of Ph.D. students to discuss and explore their research interests and career objectives with a panel of established researchers in the AIIDE related fields. The consortium is intended primarily for early-stage Ph.D. students who have either not yet proposed their thesis topic or have recently done so. Candidates at later stages will also be considered, if their proposals clearly address how their participation will benefit them and what they would contribute to the program.

Selected students will be paired with a mentor, a senior member of the AIIDE community, who will advise them on their research trajectory, writing, and presentation. Selected students will present their research as a poster presentation. Time will be reserved for students to meet with their mentors, and additional social arrangements will be made to encourage further conversations with mentors and fellow students. In addition, the DC may include a panel discussion on how to build a successful career and other related activities, such as lab visits. Accepted research summaries will be published in the form of an AAAI technical report.

Important Dates:
• July 5: Application Submission Deadline
• July 30: Acceptance notification
• August 21: Camera-Ready Copy Due
• October 14-18, 2013: AIIDE-2013 Conference and Doctoral Consortium

Applicants to the DC must submit the following material through the AIIDE Easychair submission site (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dcaiide13).
1. Research Summary (max 4 pages in AAAI format). Outline the problem(s) being addressed, the proposed research plan, and a description of progress. This short paper should include references, as needed.
2. Curriculum Vita (max 2 pages). List the applicant's most relevant background, experience (research, education, employment), publication references (if any), and expected graduation date.
3. Expectations (max 1 page) State what the applicant hopes to accomplish from the Doctoral Consortium.
4. Letter of Recommendation (max 1 page) from the applicant’s dissertation adviser.
To submit your packet either combine the four documents (8 pages total) into a single PDF or make a ZIP file of the separate PDF documents. Only a single file should be submitted.

Review Process:
All submissions will be reviewed by a panel of experts within the applicant’s topic area. Applications will be reviewed according to the following criteria: clarity and completeness of submission packet, stage of research, evidence of research progress (such as published papers and/or technical reports), assessment of contribution to and benefit from participating in the DC, and strength of adviser's recommendation.

Doctoral Consortium Chairs:

Gillian Smith
gillian at ccs.neu.edu
Northeastern University

Adam Smith
amsmith at cs.washington.edu
University of Washington

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