[PAGID] lymphopenia

Christine Seroogy cmseroogy at wisc.edu
Tue Jun 13 14:51:10 EDT 2006

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to get your opinions about a 15y/o boy was admitted to  
our hospital with a gastrointestinal lymphoma (further  
characterization pending.)  He was initially seen in the immunology  
clinic here at 4 years of age because of severe primary VZV  
infection.  Evaluation at that time demonstrated lymphopenia-- 
predominately CD4--and poor mitogen response.  His B cell numbers and  
function is normal (measured by titers to various vaccine antigens);  
he has been persistently hypergammaglobulinemic (IgG 1000s and IgA  
400s).  NK cell numbers by CD16/56 slightly diminished.  HIV  
nonreactive.  He developed a Burkitt's lymphoma around age 10 and was  
successfully treated, he has had refractory sinus disease and  
recurrent OM.  No other infectious history or autoimmune phenomenon.   
No relevant family history.  I welcome any thoughts on how to pursue  
a molecular diagnosis on this child or hearing  if you have seen  
similar cases.  Thank you,  Chris

Chris Seroogy, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Pediatrics
Mail:  H4/474 CSC, Mailstop 4108
Shipping:  H4/431 CSC, Mailstop 4108
600 Highland Ave.
Madison, WI  53792
phone: 608- 263-2652
fax: 608-265-0164

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