[PAGID] Maximum rate for IVIG

John B. Ziegler j.ziegler at unsw.edu.au
Wed May 6 18:59:26 EDT 2009


This 1991 JACI paper might help. It reports infusion times down to 15
minutes in some patients.



At 07:23 AM 7/05/2009, you wrote:

>Dear Colleagues,


>A question was recently posed to me by our pharmacy staff regarding

>maximum infusion rate for IVIG. They noted some practioners maxed

>at 110 cc/hr of 10% solution and felt faster infusion rates may lead

>to renal toxicity regardless of the product formulation. This is

>not something that I typically monitor and was wondering if anyone

>has sound data on the safety for maximum infusion rates of

>IVIG? Thank you for any insights, Chris




>Christine M. Seroogy MD, FAAP, FAAAAI

>Assistant Professor

>University of Wisconsin

>Department of Pediatrics

>Division of Allergy, Immunology & Rheumatology

>H4/474 CSC

>600 Highland Avenue

>Madison, WI 53792-4108

>phone: 608-263-2652

>fax: 608-265-0164


A/Prof John B. Ziegler
Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases
Sydney Children's Hospital
High Street, RANDWICK NSW 2031
Tel: (02) 93821515
Fax: + 61 + 2 + 93821580
Email: j.ziegler at unsw.edu.au

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