Sullivan, Kathleen sullivak at mail.med.upenn.edu
Wed Jul 11 10:29:26 EDT 2012

The single most common cause of a low CH50 is a poorly handled specimen as the components are very labile. If you are sure the lab snap froze the serum and sent it appropriately, then this is likely real. Most of the complement component deficiencies are associated with a CH50 of 0 not a low-ish level so that will complicate things. See what the AH50 gives you and then take it step by step.

On Jul 11, 2012, at 9:58 AM, Santhosh Kumar/FS/VCU wrote:

> Dear All,


> I have 6 y/o F who was referred to me by my ID colleague for recurrent febrile episodes since starting school. She has not had any major infections which needed hospitalization. Most of her febrile episodes were thought to be virally related. Her immune work up is normal except for low CH50 levels (repeated x 2- 12 and 15U/ml). His other classic pathway complements are normal (c2, c3, c4, c6, c7, c8,c9). AH50 is pending. I had heard of falsely low CH50 levels in past depending on the assay used. My question is:


> Is this a false low CH50 level and if so is there a better assay which can be used to confirm



> Thank you,


> Santhosh Kumar, MD

> Assistant Professor,

> Allergy & Immunology

> Medical college of Virginia

> Ph- 804-628-1605

> Fax-804-828-1751

Kate Sullivan, MD PhD
Professor of Pediatrics
ARC 1216 Immunology CHOP
3615 Civic Center Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(p) 215-590-1697
(f) 267-426-0363

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