[CIS PIDD] [cis-pidd] HPIV3 T-cell therapy

CIS-PIDD cis-pidd at lists.clinimmsoc.org
Fri Apr 13 14:31:31 EDT 2018

Dear colleagues,

Since paraflu-3 season is almost upon us, I wanted to send a reminder that we are actively seeking out any PID or other immunocompromised patients with parainfluenza virus 3, as we have an open adoptive T-cell protocol to treat this virus.  This is primarily aiming for patients in the midst of transplant, but if anyone has other bad cases outside of the transplant setting, please do reach out to us.

Thanks so much,

Michael D. Keller, MD

Assistant Professor, Division of Allergy / Immunology

Center for Cancer and Immunology Research

Jeffrey Modell Diagnostic and Research Center for

Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders

Children's National Health System

111 Michigan Ave NW, M7729

Washington, DC 20010

Clinic: 202-895-3865

Office: 202.476.5843

Fax: 202.849-4831


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