[SBE] In Need of Mentoring

Edwin Bukont ebukont at msn.com
Tue Oct 13 12:59:54 EDT 2009

Its not just the OSHA laws, but rather the liability potential from their enforcement. That gets to be an issue for insurance. You cannot have undocumented volunteers in any business performing any sort of work. Period. Even 'volunteer, non-profit" stations have to have an enforced employment and insurance policy that follows the same rules as for-profit. Even the volunteers taking calls during pledge week have to be documented for liability (trip, fall, fire, etc) insurance. If they are in any way under your control, they are your liability no matter how volunteer they may be or how nonprofit you may be. IF you are using tools of any sort, where their is the potential for injury to you, others or property, then you must be documented, classified and insured in concert with your value to the comany. This is not what you are paid, but rather what the company books your services at in reporting your value to the insurance company. You cannot insure someone for a task at lower than a nationally recognized rate. You can't put a 'volunteer' electrician on the staff and show his value at $25/hr when the prevailing wage charge is $65/hr. This is why, for example, having the secretary help you move boxes is now 'above her pay grade' and not permitted. She probably lacks the training, and therefore is not insured to do so. Similarly, there is a reason that tower riggers are classified as mechanics.

Interns are a slightly different concern. Because they are involved in a course of study, there is considered to be a supervisory oversight that compensates for the lack of necessary skills. The intern is effectively being 'paid' in the educational benefit they receive. They still must be documented and the value of their service reported for insurance coverage reasons.

And no, you can't get around that by making the person a contractor either.

Yes, you have to pay your insurance company to have volunteers on your staff!

In some cases, there are issues with buidling management and allowed occupancy, access etc. All that stuff that costs money even if you have no income!

Edwin Bukont CSRE, DRB, CBNT
V- 240.417.2475; F- 240.368.1265

> From: weathertop at charter.net

> To: sbe at sbe.org

> Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 08:39:26 -0700

> Subject: Re: [SBE] In Need of Mentoring


> Russ wrote:

> I have also asked about volunteering at a local television station

> (telemundo) (sp?) and was told that there would be complications with OHSA

> laws, would have to get approval from higher up, etc...I have asked this

> more than once, and have received the same answer each time...so I am under

> the impression that my free help is not desired, and have given up on this.


> Don't take it personally, Russ...various federal and station regulations and

> labour laws have all but done away with free internships at commercial

> stations. It's not that they wouldn't like to have your help, it's just that

> the days when you could learn this business hanging around and emptying

> waste baskets are long gone. It's different at an all-volunteer station

> although you may want to check with your insurance provider to make sure you

> are covered if you hurt yourself or get hurt because of something someone

> else at the station does or if you accidentally damage station equipment. It

> shouldn't have to be that way, but it is...

> Adrienne



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