[SBE] Pay scale

chscherer at everestkc.net chscherer at everestkc.net
Wed Oct 14 11:09:03 EDT 2009

I didn't see the original part of this message because Henry did not include it. But a clarification:

Radio magazine conducts an annual salary survey for radio. Broadcast Engineering has not conducted a salary survey for several years.

The 2009 Radio magazine survey is now online:

Chriss Scherer, CPBE CBNT
editor, Radio magazine


>From A9xw at cs.com -- Henry

Broadcast Engineering magazine does an annual salary survey and you can get the industry ranges and averages from that. if you get more than minimum wage, a cot behind the transmitter and a 79 VW minibus that leaks oil and is out of gas, consider yourself lucky. If you are salaried you'll likely work so many hours you will earn less than minimum wage. Top jobs in top markets pay 6 figures, but beneifts have been reduced over the decades. You can always tell when its going to be bad news because the boss says, "our staff is the best we've ever had. But we're going to have to cut jobs, eliminate 401k contributions, and you'll pay for your own health insurance, have a nice day."

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